
The Albrittons

Kara is a wife, a mother of 4, and a community leader committed to the value of personal relationships.

JT is a husband, father, friend, pastor. Outside of leading his own family, he supports business owners, their families and employees through Biblical shepherding and support with his new venture, SHIELD.


About Us

There is no substitute for the embrace of a friend, the clinking of glasses in a celebration toast, or the connection that happens between two human beings when tough things are shared over a cup of coffee. These really are the sweetest things in life and we’ve let them slip away.

Years ago, we quickly realized the importance of intentionally spending time together. Our calendars were constantly being consumed with events, ministry opportunities, meetings, kids soccer games, and school programs. Of course, none of these things are bad, but they were winning the attention of our most precious asset - time. If we did not welcome the practice of setting aside time to connect with one another, our marriage would not have continued, let alone be healthy. 

We took what we had learned about our marriage and started to ask ourselves how this intentionality could affect our relationships with others. We began by identifying the people that brought us joy, the people that wanted the best for us, the people that were just plain fun to be with. So began our exploration of true, authentic community in an isolated, digital world.

When walking through difficult times as a couple, it was the honest friendships that we had purposefully been cultivating that saw us through and supported us. People who held the same values. These were people who treasured dependable, true community as much as we did. Had we not taken the time to invest in these relationships, we would have struggled to find hope & enjoy life in a time when we so desperately needed it. These nurtured relationships welcomed growth opportunities and a refreshment where we all flourished in community.

We all get the same amount of time in a day - twenty-four hours to manage and choose how we spend. While our responsibility loads and our capacity for that load may differ, we all have the same innate, deeply embedded desire for social interaction. It is a need for every human being! If you’re like we were, you’re probably saying “Yes! That’s me! But my plate already feels full...where do I even begin to find the time…”

Enter Let’s Do Lunch. Let us take the overwhelm off your plate and fill it with the good stuff.

No more excuses, just quality time.