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now you can say it and mean it

Create Intentional Space for Your Relationships.

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For Those Seeking Authentic, Real Connection

Let’s Do Lunch is for those who have too much on their plate. It is for the men and women who are constantly filling their time with work, serving others, raising families, all with the best of intention.

We acknowledge the importance of creating time for you. We believe that there is no excuse for an all work and no play lifestyle. Let us help you make time for genuine, meaningful relationship.

+ Our subscriptions

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How It Works


Share your calendar

When you become a Let’s Do Lunch client, we request access to your calendar. This allows us to take the time and pressure off of scheduling appointments.



Who do you want to meet with? Each month, you will send us a list of who you’d like to see on your schedule. We will handle setting up a time that works for the both of you.



Just show up. We mean it! No more back and forth that results in an empty calendar. We handle it all so you can sit back, relax and enjoy your new social life.


The Starter

Our Founder, Kara Albritton
Fill Your Social Calendar

The Main Course


choose your subscription

How full do you want your social calendar?

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Raving Reviews…



because life is boring without friends

We find the time for you to connect with those that are the most important to you.

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